Thursday, October 18, 2007

A thought on Negotiating, Advance I say, Always...

Please reflect on this:

People will always try to take from you in negotiation what they could not get from you with direct confrontation. They will even use appeals to fairness and morality as a cover to advance their position. Do not be taken in: Negotiation is about maneuvering for power or placement, and you must always put yourself in the kind of strong position that makes it impossible for the other side to nibble away at you during your talks.

Before and during negotiations, you must keep advancing, creating relentless pressure and compelling the other side to settle on your terms. The more you take the more you can give back in meaningless concessions.

Bradley E. Arnowiz, P.A. & Associates has a reputation for being tough and relentless, yet kind and caring, unyielding and firm, yet savvy enough to know how and when to compromise during negotiations. Realtors and Developers, Buyers and Sellers can expect to negotiate in good faith, prior to even meeting us! Allow us the honor to represent you. Advance, I say, Always!

Reach us on the web @
(305) 776.6113


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